Brian is following in his mother's footsteps of writing down his experiences. His mom is the immortal, Sti-La. His writings, then become the book, Brian: The Guide to Vasilias.
This sci-fi guidebook starts on Mars in the midst of horror and follows Brian on his voyage across the galaxy and throughout his time exploring Vasilias, the new planet that humanity decided to settle on in Books 1 and 2. (2021's Memoir of An Immortal and 2022's Miguel: The Search for Sti-La.)
Throughout the guide, he documents his encounters with the various burgeoning human governments, native life and dangerous events that occur while also trying to cope with his own traumas. Along the way, he writes or draws pictures to pass the time and to keep track of humanity's growth or regression as a species on this brand-new world.
BRIAN: THE GUIDE TO VASILIAS will be released on August 7th 2024 on amazon and various other platforms for ebook and paperback. Pre-Order now!
(paperback: )
To read review of first 2 novels, click below.
A year later and I can release the cover to my follow-up to my debut novel from 2021, MEMOIR OF AN IMMORTAL with this year's, MIGUEL: THE SEARCH FOR STI-LA, which will be released on Amazon on October 31rst, but is available for Kindle ebook pre-order right now.
Miguel: The Search For Sti-La is the alternating perspective follow-up to Memoir, set in the near past but extending into the not quite near future. Miguel is the professor from the beginning of MEMOIR that received the original binder, found by one of his former students in Portugal. He has dedicated his life to finding Sti-La, the Immortal at great personal cost. Doing whatever, and going where ever he thinks she is going to be.
Meanwhile, the opposite perspective tells the story of Sti-La and the life that she is living with her husband and their daughter Felina. Sti-La is trying to raise her daughter to be a well-rounded and strong woman that values intelligence and loyalty. Meanwhile, she is the wife of a military officer who has no idea who she is, what she's done, or how long she has been alive.
Does Miguel find Sti-La or does her life continue without any influence?
Each chapter of the book flips back and forth showing you where Miguel is and what he is doing in one chapter, then to where Sti-La is and what she is doing at the same time in the next chapter. The book ends in a way that no one can predict.
Miguel: The Search For Sti-La has violence, Chinese and Portuguese written at length in certain chapters and descriptions of things that may or may not evoke or cause the reader to relive trauma physically and emotionally.
Thanks to all who spread the word about my novels even when they don't read the books themselves and are just supporting a friend. Wish you'd read the books though. They are pretty good and well thought out.
This is the cover to my debut novel. MEMOIR OF AN IMMORTAL
Memoir of an Immortal is the beginning of the saga of Sti-La and is available for presale now!
Want to publicly thank IgorOzlewski27 on for completing the commissioned recreation of my photoshop of Sti-La. Please go on and give him your business then say I sent you!
Also, big thank you to Shani Fenderson for the re-design of the book cover and formatting help!
(all rights to commissioned pictures of Sti-La belong solely to Jeremy F. Paul, as paid for by Jeremy Paul and agreed to in writing.)
I am none of those things now. But I am great at the things I do: Stand up comedy, writing, being a good friend and giving terrible first impressions to women I'm attracted to. All things I excel at. I hope that you have enjoyed browsing this website thus far and learning about myself and the people I adore.
I'm about 30 pounds away from looking that way again from 16 years ago...
Below are descriptions and adverts for things I am either self-publishing or begging literary agents to take a look at, while they tell me that I don't fit what they are looking for as they wait for another Kato Kaelin tell-all.
When I was 8 years old, I wrote a book of christmas poems. A colleague of my mothers named Joyce made copies of it and that was my first, self published work. I continued to write poetry until I was 25 years old and then stopped. Over the last 17 and a half years I've kept the poems in a drawer. But now, I want to share them with the world. And since I have grown tired of gatekeepers, I'm self publishing the work. Unedited poems. Some terrible. A few brilliant ones. Some prophetic. All honest.
Published June 2021.
This novel has been a labor of love and a challenge of time.
The birth of this book idea came from a phrase that I use in my life as a stand-up comedian. "I have lived a life and I have stories." Well, the main character of this book, is a woman who has lived a life. And man does she have a story.
I wanted to write a book that no one would try to write. A book that would tell the life story of someone that will not die, but experiences a lifetime of peril. I began researching the subject of this book at the Downey Public Library back in early 2008. I was working a day job, traveling to do shows in weird places for little cash and sleeping in my car at night in various parking lots due to a horrible gambling addiction. So, in order to stop gambling I poured myself into learning and developing the character that would become a woman named Sti-La.
I researched various histories and looked up myths and religions. World occurrences. Tragedy. I determined that I wanted her to begin her life in a specific era. Because of this particular era, I determined that I would have to create a language from scratch. A language that would have existed that is now dead. So that happened.
I also determined that I would have to get the science right. So extra research in the field of genetics began. Which led to a lot of changes in the book and where I wanted to go. History. Science. And finally, I knew that my character would be immortal, so the final touch would be, forecasting the future realistically. Speculating. What will happen? What might happen? What should happen? What won't happen? I think I have achieved that.
Inventing a language by the way... Shout out to Tolkien. I Had no idea that it would take the better part of 8 years to create one that could be functional and realistic. And praises to all the scientists I have ever known that answered innocuous questions that went nowhere not knowing that I was picking your brain about a certain element of the story.
It took until December of 2020, during a pandemic that cost me that same day job and a halt in my career of stand-up comedy to finish this novel. After over 12 years of multiple personal hardships that really did cost me everything. A novel I am proud of.
A novel that I can't get most literary agents to look at. I told myself, just 100 query letters. 100. After that, I self-publish if I don't get anyone to represent this novel. To date, May 8th, I have written 81. I've gotten 26 rejection letters since January.
In the meantime, while waiting on one literary agent to take a chance on a well-written and visionary labor of love, I plan on self-publishing my book of poetry, "25 YEARS" in early June.
I hope you got through all of this writing.
I hope you decide to pick up my debut novel.
If you are a literary agent, I hope you send me a message after reading all of this.
If you don't, I believe in my novel even if none of the agents I queried do. I will self publish and self-promote and sell my baby.
First: [Poetry] 25 YEARS: THE GROWTH OF A POET
Third: TBA